
Entity Definition

Logical Name : WorkLocation
Physical Name : LO_LCN_WRK

A sub-type of Location that is a place of work to which Positions and Jobs are allocated. Maybe a cross-reference to a particular Site or BusinessUnit located at a Site.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
LocationID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Location. ID_LCN Identity integer
BusinessUnitID (FK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for an RetailStore, DistributionCenter or AdministrationCenter ID_BSN_UN Identity integer BusinessUnit(LO_BSN_UN)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
BusinessUnit isa WorkLocation
WorkLocation defines WorkerAvailability
WorkLocation is location for JobAllocation
WorkLocation defines location for Position
Location can be a WorkLocation

Logical Views containing WorkLocation

Logical View
Logical 06210 - Access Control - Rules View
Logical 06320 - Party - Address and Contact View
Logical 10100 - Enterprise - Locations Macro View
Logical 10108 - Enterprise - Physical Locations View
Logical 10108 - Enterprise - Physical Locations View
Logical 10110 - Enterprise - Location Retailer Organization View
Logical 10120 - Enterprise - Location, WkStn, Operator, Till
Logical 11100 - Worker - Macro View
Logical 11120 - Worker - Job Definition View
Logical 11130 - Worker - Access Control View
Logical 11130 - Worker - Access Control View